Stopping the spread is one of the many issues in this Corona Virus  pandemic. Schools are excellent at educating our children and keeping  them safe, at the best of times. However, currently, these are not the  best of times and with research confirming children as spreaders, this  pandemic places added responsibilities on schools to keep children  safe and help prevent the spread.

Risk assessments show how schools are managing the risks involved –  but there is no doubt that when it comes to sanitisation – the range and  claims of the products available – is a minefield. As sanitisation is a  regulation – its obligatory. Where to start?

Let’s ask a few simple questions:

What’s the difference between sanitisers and alcohol free sanitisers?

What are the benefits of alcohol free sanitiser?

Are sanitisers being used?

Difficult one! Some Sanitisers are being used more than others. As  mentioned, Sanitiser containing alcohol may cause irritation, and  dryness – which may explain a reluctance to use it.  However, as part of  the education process – for the school community, it is helpful to be  confident that alcohol free sanitiser offers a solution.

School Playing Surfaces also need to be sanitised such as Artificial Pitches can be full of germs

The plastic sports pitches can be full of bacteria; It is quite  frightening when you find out how many germs lie in artificial pitches,  largely caused by animals in the air or on the ground, human beings and  their ejection of bodily fluids and in particular the sportsman’s need  to spit. Some of the pitches are water based and the water lies and  stagnates which also gives rise for more nasty things to be present, and  no matter how clean they may look there is danger lurking.

The obvious danger is while playing sport, a child may fall either  get, or has an open wound which allows the germs to enter the wound and  if not treated immediately could cause further problems. This issue is  being highlighted in the USA where the liability laws are onerous on the  facility.

All artificial pitches are maintained to differing standards and of  course there are many that are clean, but it is worth asking the  question how often, and what products are used to ensure that children  are safe.

Make sure the pitch maintenance team use a recognised product that  will not just clean the pitch but also sanitise it and also the other  bits such as goalposts and even the balls.

Again, find a product that is suitable and has certification that  backs up and gives proof of its efficiency and use it to get closer to a  better standard of cleanliness and protection for our children in  schools.

Our children must be kept safe, and all of us must help as much as we can.

Source – See Grow Solutions

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